【先进制造前沿讲座第9期】【必赢766net手机版博导论坛】Zebo Peng:Temperature-Aware Design of Cyber-Physical Systems
讲座主题:Temperature-Aware Design of Cyber-Physical Systems
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are now widely used for safety-critical applications, including automotive electronics and medical equipment, where reliability and performance are paramount. However, as the feature sizes of VLSI circuits used in CPS continue to shrink, the power density has increased rapidly, causing a significant rise in chip temperatures. These elevated temperatures have a negative impact on a system's reliability, performance, and power efficiency, making it essential to consider thermal effects during the design process. This talk will address the challenges of designing a CPS, with a focus on the interplay between thermal issues and the stringent reliability and real-time requirements demanded by safety-critical applications. Through this discussion, we will explore the various issues related to CPS design and optimization, particularly in the context of thermal problems. By carefully analyzing and considering thermal impacts during the design process, we can ensure that a CPS will meet the high standards required for safety-critical applications.